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Our Flight Nerdy Products

Memberships *Best Value*

"Briefing Room Squadron" - Monthly Membership

Join other flight nerds and pursue your aviation dreams with this annual Flight Nerd Air Force membership for the low monthly price of $27.

$27.00 USD every month

"Briefing Room Squadron" - Monthly Membership for FAA License

Join other flight nerds and pursue your aviation dreams with this annual Flight Nerd Air Force membership for the low monthly price of $27. This membership is for anyone who, at the completion of a course, wants to take the FAA written exam for that course. In addition to the normal membership benefits, you will receive 24 months access to ASA's online Test Prep software.

$27.00 USD every month +
$49.95 USD setup fee

"Briefing Room Squadron" - Annual Membership

Join other flight nerds and pursue your aviation dreams with this annual Flight Nerd Air Force membership for the low annual price of $270.

$270.00 USD every year

"Briefing Room Squadron" - Annual Membership for FAA License

Join other flight nerds and pursue your aviation dreams with this annual Flight Nerd Air Force membership for the low annual price of $270. This membership is for anyone who, at the completion of a course, wants to take the FAA written exam for that course. In addition to the normal membership benefits, you will receive 24 months access to ASA's online Test Prep software.

$270.00 USD every year +
$49.95 USD setup fee

Individual Courses

FNAF Private Pilot Online Ground School

$297.00 USD

Merch *Wear Your Flight Nerdiness with Pride*

Tools and Toys

"The Complete Private Pilot" E-Book

 This textbook is for anyone interested in pursuing and obtaining a Private Pilot, Sport Pilot or Recreational Pilot certificate. The author, a long-admired member of the aviation community, explains in a friendly, readable style and comprehensively covers all the details involved in the adventure of becoming a pilot and learning to fly  

$29.95 USD

ASA Prepware - Remote Pilot, UAS

Pass your FAA Knowledge Exam and know what you need to be a safe, competent aviator—from the most trusted source in aviation training. Study by subject, combined subjects, or generate sample practice tests. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. The CX-3® electronic flight computer is accessible with a click of a button and test authorization (endorsement) can be obtained from your instructor or from ASA at no additional charge. Access Prepware Online on all your internet-connected devices for the ultimate in flexibility. Log in from your desktop, laptop, smart phone, iPad or other tablet computer with access available for twenty-four months (after you activate your account). Prepware Online can be utilized as a stand alone study tool providing access to any one of the following FAA Knowledge Test databases: Private Pilot Sport Pilot Instrument Rating Commercial Pilot Instructor (including CFI, Ground Instructor, Sport Instructor, Military Competency Instructor, Fundamentals of Instructing) Flight Engineer Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Remote Pilot Inspection Authorization (IA) AMT General AMT Airframe AMT Powerplant A Prepware Online account can also be linked to a Prepware School account. Once you establish a Prepware Online account, you can access the system to study on your own and you can also request to “tie into” a school and “follow” a specific Instructor in order to access assigned quizzes. Accessing a Prepware School account requires that the school has the latest version of Prepware School (ASA-TWO-SCL version only).

$39.95 USD